Reblogged: Owl sweater ripped off by UK retailer

Ok, I feel the need to keep you in the loop about someone else this time. Just was made aware of this on Twitter and I am still speechless about the blatant design-theft by a big retail chain. I fully intend to contact Debenhams’ customer care about it, as many others have already done. So, read the story of the Owl Sweater and support the designer if you think she’s right to fight them.


Apparently the original post is no longer available – here’s a link to the follow-up on the designer’s blog, where she explains what agreement they have come to.

2 thoughts on “Reblogged: Owl sweater ripped off by UK retailer

    • Thanks, I was quite speechless myself. But it seems Debenhams is moving – they contacted the designer via Twitter today (of all possible ways!) to get together tomorrow and talk it over. Let’s hope the best!

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